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The Fiery Embrace of Impermanence

Fictional stories involving tragedy often begin with phrases such as, “It had started out like any other day…” but this is not a story of fiction; this is a story of fact. December 30th, 2021, had not begun like any other day. I’d rolled out of bed at 8:30 am after sleeping for sixteen hours…

When The Sun Goes Down

When the sun goes down, my mind is a scary place… …so baby when the lights go out, hold me until it fades… Barton Parish stared dreamily at the white ceiling, the lyrics from his wife’s song dancing through his mind. Brilliant rays of light spread through the small window of the room, glowing, bouncing…

Black and Yellow, Kill a Fellow

Seth jimmied through the old gate to reach his trash cans. A swarm of angry wasps greeted him as he lifted the lid to the compost. “Fuckers!” Seth yelled, batting them away as he dumped fruit and vegetable waste into the bin. He caught one with an open palm, swatting it into the wall. Another…

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